Do you desire more from life than you experienced so far?
Then Personalized Life Coaching sessions might help you tremendously!
Are you confused about your role and function here on Earth?
Coaching and Mentorship could be very beneficial for you.
Do you want to know the will of God for you? Do you feel you have lost the meaning and purpose in life?
Let me assist you in discovering it through Pastoral Counseling!
If your answer is ‘Yes!’ to one or more of these questions, I assure you that you knocked on the right door.
With God’s help and by His grace, I can assist you.
Contact me immediately!
Are you hungry for the Word of God? Do you feel that you have yet to grow spiritually? Do you want the Holy Spirit to mold you more and more into the likeness of Christ? Then Pastoral Counseling could be very valuable for you! Are you ready to let the Holy Spirit mold you into the likeness of Christ? Do you desire to become all that God intends for you? Let me assist you through Life Coaching! Are you passionate about letting Christ make a difference in and around you? If you answer “Yes!” to one or more of these questions, you are the perfect candidate for the Advanced Discipleship Training-an Excellent Coaching and Mentorship Platform.
Contact us immediately!!!
I am not here to "fix" anyone; that is God's job. But during Pastoral Counseling sessions, I can promise to care for you, love you with God's love, and be there for you. In Life Coaching, I promise to be a missionary of hope. I promise that whatever we discuss will be buried before God. I promise to pray with you and for you, to seek God's will for your life. During Coaching and Mentorship sessions, I promise to assist you in establishing life goals and to keep you accountable in the process of reaching them.
Contact me immediately!
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